
Working Paper: Strengthening the collection of data on the indirect or reverberating effects of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas

The collection and sharing of data on the direct and indirect or reverberating effects of the use of explosive weapons is crucial to increasing the understanding of their severe and wide-ranging impacts on civilians, as well as to informing effective and appropriate responses to prevent, minimize, and respond to these impacts.

To advance discussions on the implementation of relevant commitments of the Political Declaration, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the Explosive Weapons Monitor organized a multistakeholder workshop on effective measures and practices for the collection of data on the reverberating effects of the use of EWIPA on 29 February and 1 March 2024 in Geneva. 

This working paper, submitted to the Oslo Conference in April 2024, summarizes key reflections arising from the workshop’s discussions and provides considerations to help inform future collaborative work on this topic within the framework of the Political Declaration.