
The Explosive Weapons Monitor is an initiative of the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW), a partnership of non-governmental organisations calling for action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. INEW is coordinated by Article 36, a specialist non-profit organisation focused on reducing harm from weapons.

Please contact Katherine Young, Research & Monitoring Manager, at katherine@article36.org with inquiries. 

About Us

The Explosive Weapons Monitor is a civil society initiative that conducts research and analysis on harms from and practices of explosive weapon use and monitors the universalisation and implementation of the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences Arising from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas. This research aims to:

  • Advance the global recognition and understanding of the full impact on civilians of the use of explosive weapons;
  • Strengthen research and monitoring on civilian harm from the use of explosive weapons;
  • To promote endorsement and support implementation of the political declaration on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas; and
  • Strengthen collaboration and information sharing between all stakeholders undertaking research and monitoring of the use and impact of explosive weapons. 

The Explosive Weapons Monitor would like to acknowledge the generous support of the European Union, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs, United Kingdom Counter Proliferation and Arms Control Centre, and Irish Aid.

The Explosive Weapons Monitor is an initiative of the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW), a partnership of non-governmental organisations calling for action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. INEW is coordinated by Article 36, a specialist non-profit organisation focused on reducing harm from weapons.

Please contact Katherine Young, Research & Monitoring Manager, at katherine@article36.org with inquiries.